• Aviation Maintenance Technician Jobs

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    Role Overview: Aviation Maintenance Technician

    Aviation maintenance technicians repair aircrafts to ensure they meet FAA regulations. They must have mechanical aptitude, often work outdoors and can work any shift. These positions require a high school diploma and certification.

    Aviation maintenance technicians work under deadlines to inspect and maintain aircraft in accordance with FAA regulations and standards. It's the job of the aviation maintenance technician to ensure that the aircraft is in top working order and to then repair any problems before it leaves the ground. This career requires a specialized education.

    Aviation maintenance jobs are available in the private, commercial, and military sectors. Most of these jobs require some vocational or college training and certification in specific areas such as avionics, airframe, or powerplant mechanics. The more formal training and certification that a mechanic has, the more job opportunities will be available and along with that, a higher salary.

    Aviation Maintenance Technician Jobs

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