• Aircraft Fueler / Fueling Agent Jobs

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    Role Overview: Aircraft Fueler

    The aircraft fueler operates the fueling equipment sometimes with the help of a driver. Generally, the aircraft fueling process entails driving a truck filled with aviation fuel to a waiting aircraft. After the fueler grounds the fuel tank and supply line, he or she usually climbs onto the wings of the aircraft with the fuel hose in order to reach the fuel tank openings and fill the plane with fuel. Fuelers also assist in keeping the fuel trucks filled. Fuelers must work outdoors in all types of weather and conditions, and they must be efficient and punctual, since timing is essential to a smooth flight schedule. Fuelers are an important part of the ramp crew, ensuring that aircraft have enough fuel to reach their destination. In some cases, the fueler may deliver supplies and equipment in addition to or in place of fuel. Fuelers will also sometimes assist with lavatory or ramp services. Fuelers are required to wear uniforms and may be issued picture identification for security purposes.

    Aircraft Fueler Jobs

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